A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

You Will Laugh : The Talking Stain


Just when I think I'm creative and have laughed more than I can stand... someone else comes in as a new contender :-) -JK

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Love The Buzz : Molly, will you hire me?


I love the editors at Cnet.com (Molly Wood, Tom Merrit and Brian Cooley to be specific). Below is "The Buzz" which a production that Molly Wood anchors. It's just hilarious and these days I can always use a laugh in the morning. If anyone from Cnet reads this PLEASE HIRE ME? :-D -JK

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My Company : The Beginning...


In 10 business days "47 Enterprises, LLC." will be born :-) You heard it here first... or maybe you didn't hear it, but it was printed here first. Here we go... -JK

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Iron Man : In Theatres on May 2nd


Iron Man was my first favorite superhero ever. Because I am often, terribly pragmatic I always liked the idea of a superhero like Iron Man --a normal human using something like high technology to overcome what lacks in, well, being human :-) The suspension of disbelief in this kind of concept takes on a more reality-like nature as well (no need for weird mutations or strange rocks that glow green). Anyway, the movie for Iron Man is coming out soon and it looks awesome. Below is the newest trailer. -JK

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Meet Scarlett Johansson : $18K+ (and why not?)


The first thing that came to mind when I saw this auction on eBay (for charity, of course) was part of an old Jeff Foxworthy joke, "Hell yeah I can write you a check!" :-) Don't get me wrong, a good cause is a good cause --surely-- but this girl is just flat out freaking gorgeous. And don't think I haven't considered starting a "donate to me" Paypal fund to make this happen... hmmm... - JK

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Internet Explorer 6 : (ml) Says Goodbye


Well, if you're using Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) then you're not seeing this page correctly. The sidebar to your right is pushed allllll the way down to the bottom *rolls eyes*. I have other pressing projects at the moment that will probably FORCE me to do all kinds of cross-browser coding tricks that I'm not all that happy about anyway (so that is code for "I'm not fixing this page"). I suggest you use Firefox anyway. It's just flat out nicer and easier to use that any version of IE (though it appears that IE7 renders this page fine; nice shot in the dark there, MS).

So get with it. Either upgrade to IE7 or come over to the dark side and install Firefox (not only do we have a better browser but we have cookies too). - JK

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tweak YouTube : Get Yo Resolution On!

Found this on webware.com via cnet.com. Just a quick tip on how to force YouTube to allow a user to view a potentially higher resolution version of the video available from their site. There's a way to automate this "hack" with Greasemonkey (which is also an awesome add-on for Gmail). -JK

Tweaking YouTube's resolution settings the easy way
By Josh Lowensohn – February 29, 2008, 4:35 PM PST

Higher resolutions or not, YouTube still tweaks the quality of its videos for users depending on what kind of connection they've got. So how about a workaround to make sure you're getting the best of the best? Bayme of the VideoHelp.com forums seems to have found a way to tweak the URL of some videos to force YouTube to serve you the version with the highest resolution. The good news? It's easy as pie. The bad news? It's not going to work on all your videos, and it's not noticeably better

To give it a spin, just drop &fmt=6 at the end of the URL of any video you're watching. If YouTube has a higher quality version available on its servers, it'll start playing right away. Otherwise, you'll simply be staring at a loading symbol. Greasemonkey users can also download a simple script that adjusts all YouTube URLs automatically.

There's a long discussion over on the VideoHelp boards about which file types are retaining the most quality after automatic conversion. YouTube appears to be experimenting with a few variants of Flash and H.264, the latter of which became a major part of YouTube with the introduction of the iPhone and AppleTV--both of which access videos from the service without using Adobe's Flash player.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

The Army's Latest Toy : A Ray Gun (yes, really)


It's coined an "Active Denial System" --ha! It basically makes you feel like you're on fire... one small step for man; one giant leap toward mankind eviscerating itself from the planet :-) -JK

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How To Stream An MP3 : (and hide the source file)


Found this today on my hosting company's website; thought it was pretty cool.



  1. Upload your MP3 to your server

  2. Open notepad. write the entire url of the mp3: ie: http://www.myserver.com/mp3s/mysong.mp3 (obviously the full real url of your mp3)

  3. Do a 'save as' and call it something but add .m3u on the end of it. eg: mysong.m3u

  4. Upload this .m3u file to your server too.

  5. This acts as a pointer to your mp3 file and the m3u extension tells it to stream. So in your page you just link to the .m3u file. When people click your link it goes to the m3u which auto redirects and streams the MP3 you pointed it to, in the default player of the users operating system. In my case, realplayer.
The beauty of this is that as the URL is contained in the notepad document no-one can see where the MP3s are to download them. You can use the exact same technique to stream video and audio in realplayer. Your realplayer file is a .rm - so you create a notepad document with the extension .ram and it functions exactly the same. no need for embedding. just pops up in realplayer.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Guess Who's Back : An Online World WIthout Me?


Yeah, yeah, back again. A lot of changes happening in my web world as of now and massivelatte.com is going to be a pure blog from here on out. No sections, downloads, etc. I'll be separating a lot of that out to other sites going forward. So stick around! There won't be anything too fancy here but a number other sites I'm working on standing up might just be worth it :-)

(ML) will remain my personal blog; random posts, funny stories, rants, raves and anything else I want :-) roguezero.com is still my primary, personal web portal that will list out all of my sites. 47images.com is under construction for my image gallery and photography services as well as deepfoam.com for spewing out my thoughts and literary creations that I know you wonder about all day long :-) There'll be more sites on the way after that as well such as snewser.com; an offbeat news blog website for which I'm taking applications for those who wish to be contributors to the endeavor. Email me; jk@massivelatte.com -JK

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