A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Friday, November 10, 2006

DNA Gloframe: Merry Christmas, O.J.!

Monograms are so bourgeois, and bolting faux-gold nameplates to one's holdings is a practice best left to the comb-over king of New York real estate. But now you can be more subtly self-aggrandizing--and indulge your artsy and geeky urges as well--by getting abstract art generated from your DNA. The backlit Gloframe looks rather like a plasma TV, less than an inch thick and either 18 by 24 inches ($900) or 24 by 36 inches ($1,300). Choose from seven color schemes to make sure your chromosomes match the carpet. (credit Julie Wildhaber, cnet.com)

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Peek-a-boo: I see you...

Hi, Bob! :-)

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Veterans Day: Kennesaw State University

Video post below. This is an Army Blackhawk helicopter that made an impressive entrance and exit during a Veterans Day observance ceremony at the university I work for. I've been around a lot of military aircraft and combat vehicles in the past but had never been that close to a chopper on lift off. Very cool :-) Enjoy.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Speak Up: Anonymous comments...

Come on peeps :-) when you leave comments please leave your name. It doesn't have to be your full name, just something I can recognize and know.

Thanks :-)


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