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Friday, November 10, 2006

DNA Gloframe: Merry Christmas, O.J.!

Monograms are so bourgeois, and bolting faux-gold nameplates to one's holdings is a practice best left to the comb-over king of New York real estate. But now you can be more subtly self-aggrandizing--and indulge your artsy and geeky urges as well--by getting abstract art generated from your DNA. The backlit Gloframe looks rather like a plasma TV, less than an inch thick and either 18 by 24 inches ($900) or 24 by 36 inches ($1,300). Choose from seven color schemes to make sure your chromosomes match the carpet. (credit Julie Wildhaber, cnet.com)

posted by JK at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But then people could clone you...

11/22/2006 11:28 AM


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