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Saturday, October 28, 2006

New Toy: The Canon S2 IS Digital Camera

After many years of loyal and wonderful service my Canon PowerShot A5 Zoom (left) will retire and hand the torch of primary photographic duties to the newly purchased and appointed Canon PowerShot S2 IS (below, right).

The A5 was purchased in 1999 and logged well over 12,000 shots over even many more miles of travel. Every photo in my portfolio, prior to this day, was taken with that device. I salute you, A5 Zoom, and will forever be grateful.

Below is a Flash sequence of the inaugural shot captured with the S2 IS. It was in the parking lot of Best Buy in Kennesaw, GA, near sunset and after a clearing storm. I adjusted the image for obstacles, contrast and then produced a reflection effect to the images final title: "The Divine Spark"

posted by JK at


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