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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Updates and the unexpected: The real question ; 'why not?'

  • New posts in ML Videos : suggest some vids for me to post there that you like
  • Working currently on adding some useful downloads for you all
  • Ex-girlfriend from high school chimes in after 7 years MIA and we meet today...
...and why not? :-)

posted by JK at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Interesting...What's a man to think about a girl from the past. So are you mad, or are you testing the waters

11/08/2006 12:06 PM

Blogger JK said...

I guess my answer depends on who's asking such a question. I don't anyone named anonymous :-)


11/08/2006 4:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, i was just wondering, after all these years. Why? What are you gunna do? Are you divin in? Taking it slow? where are you going with this?

11/08/2006 7:31 PM

Blogger JK said...

Ok... well I'm still stumped on who "SD" is but it is getting late and I've had a few so...

As to why: I didn't choose the "why" this time. This is as surprising as it is, to some degree, a relief :-) But if you're asking "why" am I bothering? I would chuckle and contend that "why" is not the question, but "why not"...

What am I going to do: I don't understand the nature of this question; trying being more specific, more thoughtful and far less clandestine... the cloak and dagger doesn't suit you and I can tell.

The rest: I don't dive, I leap. I don't take it slow; it, as it were, indeed takes me. I'm not going anywhere with this; perhaps for the first time ever I'm following along.


11/08/2006 10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A relief. That is an interesting way to look at this. A relief in the sense that I am glad to have her back, or that she is who I thought she was. Or that she will be who I have thought she would be. The why not... Well there are many why nots to ponder. Why didn't it work before? Is this different from the last time and why? Who am I now compared to then. Who is she compared to then. Both, obviously great people, brought together by unforseen circumstances. I'm glad your leaping in and hopefully enjoying this journey of rekindling a once lost love. Life comes at us from many different paths. This will be interesting to see where this one goes and ultimately ends.

11/08/2006 10:45 PM

Blogger JK said...

Hmm... no. :-)

Perhaps my answers are as cryptic as your questions... or just simply general in nature; some things truly do hide in plain sight.

You suppose, but what you know appears little (or maybe what you hide and reveal are in fact one in the same). I am unconvinced of this commentary and, increasingly, unconvinced of you…

What I say is not in a sense –my words speak directly for themselves, so read carefully unless what you know of what I accuse you of is indeed not little; otherwise never mind. You suppose and, somewhat annoyingly, you suppose not out of a single thing actually said :-) you strike me as a pundit…. (which is ok, I welcome you to ML just the same)

What’s done is done. Who we are today is a temporal matter of now; not of before or later. What we thought then and what we think about tomorrow are matters both equally out of our hands. What a relief :-)

Correction: “why not?” doesn’t equal “why didn’t?”, or “is this?” nor does it pertain to “who?” You proffer the incorrect reverses of an already incorrect question which are in fact all answered by one question that not only, ironically, provides an answer but a gateway to multiple pathways of freedom. Why not? (period) –no pun intended.

I win. Show yourself :-)


11/09/2006 12:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

cryptic? No not at all. Wide open and available for answer and comment. "You suppose, but what you know appears little." From afar one might think little, but from close one might fear the other knows much. or maybe I know nothing. Only time will tell. "Who we are today is a temporal matter of now" I beg to differ...As you age you will become a multi layered component of all those past experiences all brought together into an old (in one sense) but new in another sense, human being. "what we think about tomorrow are matters both equally out of our hands." I caution you on your above prose. Think this through carefully as you progress through life. Our decisions today, whether wise or or without wisdom, create our challenges or triumphs for tomorrow.

"Show yourself" In due time. As the seasons of life change and the opportunities of the hidden are given way to be known now.

In the open to see -SD

11/09/2006 7:32 AM

Blogger JK said...


Well, whomever you are, you're welcome to stay and comment at ML. I'd like more visitors but the content is mostly random bits that pertain to me.

Anyway, I think though this was interesting banter it got a little off the beaten path (and a little campy too). Nevertheless, thanks :-) See ya.


11/09/2006 8:06 AM


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