A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Eternal Questions : Don't Ask Steve :-)


My ability to inspire people appears to continue (and my ability to piss them off at length too). Please visit dontasksteve.com and have a read or two. This is one of two blogs that a friend of mine works on and recently motivated him to start pumping out propaganda on his site :-) Go me and go Steve :-D Check it out and check back often; Steve only wishes to save us all... and why not? -JK

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Windows Vista: The Diet Coke of OS's

Well, Vista is out... if your response to that was or is "Yeah, and?" then your reaction lines up with the masses and the numbers too (sales compared to when XP launched are at about 50%). Steve Balmer blames "pirates" (as in software pirates, but it just sounds more subtly insulting to put in quotes like that -anyone remember him running around stage at the stock holders meeting like a lunatic?) but I agree with the following TomsHardware.com article (and, for that matter, Cnet.com's "warmed over" review). I don't think Vista is utterly useless I just think many are left wondering two things; 1. Why, again, am I doing this? and 2. Doesn't the Mac already have this? -JK

75% Of Windows Vista Reviews Refer To Mac OS X
by Aaron McKenna (full story here; credit TomsHardware.com)

The good chaps at Infinite Loop over on Ars have gone and taken a sample of Windows Vista reviews only to find that, to the shock and horror of people everywhere, that 75% of these reviews make mention of Mac OS X; even going so far as to blaspheme and compare it to Vista.

Perhaps the slow sales of Windows Vista are not due to rampant piracy, but a more reasonable "It's crap"?

As Tech Review said in their review, "Ironically, playing around with Vista for more than a month has done what years of experience and exhortations from Mac-loving friends could not: it has converted me into a Mac fan."

This is serious fry for Microsoft, now that previously Windows-addled professionals can get a Mac and, if worst comes to worst, run a copy of Windows XP on boot camp. No need to go near Vista for another year or four. Plus we've got the next Mac OS coming down the tubes.

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