A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Friday, December 01, 2006

How Many Gigawatts? : 1.21, duh!

Check out this shirt, is that not awesome? :-) Anthony, you were right, we should have done something like this. Take a swing by 80stees.com to see more (they also have Aqua Teen Hunger Force shirts too). -JK

"The Flux Capacitor: It's what makes time travel possible."

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sony, Darryl and his other brother Darryl: I d i o t s.

Below is the tail-end of an article from Tom's Hardware commenting on the current cat-fight between HD-DVD and Blu Ray -a fight that will probably be won by the wrong contender (again). Why does Sony always do this? -JK

HD DVD wins, Blu-ray loses
Rob Enderle, Principal Analyst, Enderle Group

With the Xbox 360 moving so strongly into the market and the top accessory this year being the $200 HD-DVD drive the battle may be over by year end. There is every chance that there may be as many as ten times more HD DVD players than Blu-ray players in the market by the end of the year - even if you don't factor in that HP, the current leader in PC sales, started shipping desktop computers with a $100 HD DVD option. This, coupled with a much lower overall cost for the stand alone players as well as better support for legacy TVs and dual mode disks (that have both legacy DVD and HD-DVD content on a single disk), suggests that HD-DVD is now the format to beat.

HD-DVD wins because of the Xbox 360 - which is ironic, given Blu-ray should have won because of the Playstation 3. Instead, Blu-ray has delayed the Playstation 3 to a point where Sony may have to wait until the Playstation 4 to recover.

BetaMax, Mini-Disk, MemoryStick, and now Blu-ray. At least Sony is consistent. Also, if there is one company that is really looking forward to a better 2007 more than Sony I don't know of it. Boy, when you couple in root kits and battery/camera recalls, you are talking about a really nasty run of bad luck for Sony this year. ( credit, tomshardware.com, full article here )

P.S. For more on home theater and media PC topics visit MCEman (also listed under ML Neighbors to your right).

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Here Comes the Holiday: Get Those Lights Up, Bitches...

This video clip shows home Christmas lights synchronized to flash in time to a musical score, in this case Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Wizard in Winter" (from The Lost Christmas Eve album). This display was the work of Carson Williams, a Mason, Ohio, electrical engineer who spent about three hours sequencing the 88 Light-O-Rama channels that controlled the 16,000 Christmas lights in the 2004 version of his annual holiday lighting spectacular.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Favorite Music Video Ever: Pro-Test by Skinny Puppy

I have watched this video at least 100 times and each time I do I find something else awesome about it. For instance watch when the girl gets up there to dance and she's doing the hand-stand bit; she leans forward as she's upside down with her legs extended. Do you have any idea how hard that is? In a fight for that spot is the black guy who walks on his hands... forwards AND backwards! Credit to Anthony (a.k.a Maestro) for introducing me to this a year ago.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006: Behold, The Hooligan

My nephew, Rory, is not only a hooligan but he's quite the photo-ham as well. I had a blast this Thanksgiving and, as I told Jess, "this was the best Thanksgiving EVER!" *insert punching of hand outward toward sky, here* :-)


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Juston McKinney: I Laaaaughed... (and I couldn't stop)

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Gears of War: Truly Cinematic II (see it in HD!)

Just in case you were curious you can download an HD version of the Gears of War trailer that I posted on the 22nd, here. 20 megabytes or so but everything is better in Hi-Def, right? :-)


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