A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Everyone: Think happy thoughts for me...

posted by JK at | 0 Comments

To: The World At Large...

The world in its very own pursuits will always bring about the failed icons and evils that they wish never existed in the first place. In that they will also spawn the redeemers that they equally will misunderstand and curse just the same. May their judgment pass quickly... and may they never pass before mine.


posted by JK at | 0 Comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Work Smart, Not Hard: The numbers don't lie

It's so important to have principles and a plan in your professional life; wouldn't you agree?

posted by JK at | 0 Comments

Monday, October 30, 2006

Like a miniature Buddha (or Yoda even)

Happy Halloween! (yeah, a day early)

I don't actually have anything profound to say or post here. I was on my way out to lunch and remembered I had this picture on my desktop so I'm posting it to make my contribution to Halloween. Poor thing.

Hope he eats his owner one day and makes him wear that costume.


posted by JK at | 0 Comments

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Updates and the unexpected: The real question ; 'why not?'

  • New posts in ML Videos : suggest some vids for me to post there that you like
  • Working currently on adding some useful downloads for you all
  • Ex-girlfriend from high school chimes in after 7 years MIA and we meet today...
...and why not? :-)

posted by JK at | 8 Comments