A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Eye of the Tigre: Survivor's Got Nothing On This

Gotta love the "Eye of the Tiger", right? Maybe an Auburn graduate put this together, you know? In fact it looks suspiciously like Erik's work. Either way I vote that it's a better video than the original. WAR EAGLE! -JK

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Weird Al's Plea: Don't Download This Song

What a happy tune, don't you think? -JK

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monkey's On Acid: Not Everything About Your Old Job Sucked

I ended up hating a lot of things about my old job that are barely worth mentioning here (let alone today). But I did enjoy most of the people and, in particular, a select few along with the great audio broadcasts over the intercom from movie clips and cartoon shows. I present this in honor of that :-) -JK

[ video removed ]

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