A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

How To Get Elected: This Is How Stewie Do (revised post)

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posted by JK at | 0 Comments

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jones Soda Company: Vote for my Photo!

Calling all... well, everyone!

I've submitted a photograph to Jones Soda Co. (you've probably seen their product at Starbucks) and I'd like you to go by their website and vote for my submission. The picture to the left is what my picture would look like if it were on the bottle itself. Click here to go to the site to vote! Thanks so much! -JK

P.S. Just in case the photo submission number is 0000727465 and if you'd like to see a nearly full resolution version of the image just visit my MySpace page here.

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posted by JK at | 0 Comments