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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

State the Obvious : Men Are Pigs, Women Are Liars

Men want hot women, study confirms

Yeah... I'm not exactly sure how to respond to that except with a resounding "DUH." Even the details of the study make common sense to me. Guess it beats dating this beauty queen ----->

"The men also appeared to be much less choosy. Men tended to select nearly every woman above a certain minimum attractiveness threshold, Todd said."

Translation: Eh, f**k it, she's hot. I bet I could put up with her long enough to get used to it.

"The scientists said women were aware of the importance of their own attractiveness to men, and adjusted their expectations to select the more desirable guys."

Tranlation: I know exactly what I want; whatever I want. :-)

So I guess the lesson here is that you can get something out of confirming what you already know. Who knew? :-) I'm such a pest, I know. -JK

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