A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Gears of War: Truly Cinematic (truly me)

The trailer below is AWEWSOME (game: Gears of War, Microsoft). I love this kind of juxtaposed, cinematic scene. I'm posting this partly because it's just cool to watch but it's also a great expose on how I see, imagine and ultimately, creatively write. Those of you that know my writing and my thought process will easily agree. The song in the video is a cover by Michael Andrews (original song by Tears for Fears) and is called "Mad World".

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Pug Bowling: Big Lebowski Style...

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Title: This Cloak and Dagger (revised)

This is a revision of a shot I made for a CD cover for Jessica. I'm not sure which one is really more cinematic but this one seemed a little cooler. Will try to post over the break here but no promises. Have a good Turkey Day everyone!!! :-)


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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

HJB: Never miss an opportunity to risk being great...

This just makes me laugh every time I see it. Not so much the cymbals thing but the other penguin carrying the hand bag in the background :-)


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