A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Internet Explorer 6 : (ml) Says Goodbye


Well, if you're using Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) then you're not seeing this page correctly. The sidebar to your right is pushed allllll the way down to the bottom *rolls eyes*. I have other pressing projects at the moment that will probably FORCE me to do all kinds of cross-browser coding tricks that I'm not all that happy about anyway (so that is code for "I'm not fixing this page"). I suggest you use Firefox anyway. It's just flat out nicer and easier to use that any version of IE (though it appears that IE7 renders this page fine; nice shot in the dark there, MS).

So get with it. Either upgrade to IE7 or come over to the dark side and install Firefox (not only do we have a better browser but we have cookies too). - JK

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