A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Guess Who's Back : An Online World WIthout Me?


Yeah, yeah, back again. A lot of changes happening in my web world as of now and massivelatte.com is going to be a pure blog from here on out. No sections, downloads, etc. I'll be separating a lot of that out to other sites going forward. So stick around! There won't be anything too fancy here but a number other sites I'm working on standing up might just be worth it :-)

(ML) will remain my personal blog; random posts, funny stories, rants, raves and anything else I want :-) roguezero.com is still my primary, personal web portal that will list out all of my sites. 47images.com is under construction for my image gallery and photography services as well as deepfoam.com for spewing out my thoughts and literary creations that I know you wonder about all day long :-) There'll be more sites on the way after that as well such as snewser.com; an offbeat news blog website for which I'm taking applications for those who wish to be contributors to the endeavor. Email me; jk@massivelatte.com -JK

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