A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back Again: This Is MassiveLatte

Yeah I've been out of pocket for a while. Well I've got some new ideas and some new endeavors on the horizon and I think the only way to keep it all together (and to keep myself from going insane) is to laugh. Things that end up here are usually born of that. So here's to all of you that visited my blog once; I hope you come back again...

...and, you know, come to think of it I really do love red sauce on pasta... and probably enough to kick someone's ass down a deep, dark whole :-)

posted by JK at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello? I believe I ordered the LARGE cappuccino? Ah, there you are. ML returns. FINALLY. Ali

8/29/2007 12:13 PM


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