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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Study: P2P effect "not statistically distinguishable from zero"

Well, well, well... it appears that the penny has dropped on the RIAA and the executive management of the music industry. A study recently released proposes that the effect of "illegal" music downloads is not statistically significant (regarding negative impact on overall sales)

Allow me to translate: That's somewhat-kind-code for refuting every rhyme and reason given by the RIAA for the relentless and, honestly, quite pointless efforts in going to the lengths that they have to "protect" music.

I've said it for years -this is much ado about NOTHING. Instead of embracing the technology, joining the pack and running with it the greater ranks within the music industry decided to instead PANIC and launch lassos like DRM, anti-P2P and Gestapo-scare-tactic lawsuits around natural market forces and consumer demand, demand driven by the evolution of technology!

Not surprisingly, as that same technology has evolved still, people consume it, embrace it and love it. Notice that as this technology becomes cheaper, more accessible AND more readily available that consumers don't significantly use underground methods to acquire it. But why? Because of the same basic economics I've referenced and outlined before (re: "My Broken Record")

See, this all appears far too simple to even need a study like this to prove it right. So why then? Why does everyone else get this but "they" don't? Maybe that's simple too because the only people I ever hear barking are the ones in the suits and rarely (if ever) the ones on stage. -JK

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