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Friday, January 05, 2007

'Spaceship Earth' Collapses: Maybe The Frat Aliens Did It?

I'm posting this because not only was this sculpture built on the campus where I work but I actually helped unveil it (which was itself a bit of a cluster event, in my opinion, only surpassed by this rather sad but embarrassing moment). I'm not happy about something like this happening but suffice it to say that I'm not really upset either. In any case I still maintain that it would have been a rather amazing site to watch it disintegrate, live. (ref: movie, "Tommy Boy", below)

David Spade: No way that just happened.

Chris Farley
: That was AWESOME.... sorry about your car, man.

'Spaceship Earth' collapses into rubble
Artwork — not the planet — crumbles mysteriously at college campus

ATLANTA - A million-dollar stone sculpture, intended to remind future generations of the Earth’s fragility, made its point a bit early — just three months after its unveiling, it collapsed.

The 175-ton “Spaceship Earth” lay in ruins at Kennesaw State University after mysteriously falling to pieces last week.

The engraved phrase “our fragile craft” was still visible amid the debris. (credit AP; full story here on MSNBC.com)

“Kind of ironic,” said Mary-Elizabeth Watson, a university employee. “I had no idea it was made up of so many pieces.”

University officials say they suspect water damage or glue failure, but agents with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation are also looking into the possibility of vandalism, said Frances Weyand, a spokeswoman for Kennesaw State.

(photo credits to Jim Bolt / Kennesaw State University)

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posted by JK at


Blogger Unknown said...

Please check on the rebuilding effort of spaceship earth on the campus of kennesaw state university.


For more info you may reach me at (404)992-1336 or 1spaceship@gmail.com

Thanks, Wilson

9/12/2007 3:59 PM


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