A personal blog on the web. Thoughts, stories and funny perspectives in this, our online world; (ml) stay up.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Great Lines : Lord Alfred Tennyson

From "Ulysses"
By Lord Alfred Tennyson

One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive , to seek, to find, and not to yield

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Busy : Yeah, That's Right

Busy, busy, busy... mainly updating DeepFoam.com but more so 47images.com and trying to actually make a dime from all of this :-) But hey, as my man Lil Jon says, "Crunk Ain't Dead" I really want that thing. I don't think you can even call that a necklace anymore... it's like... an announcement you wear around your chest... awesome....

And as I approach 4 a.m. still working....


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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Epiphany By Force : Bad Idea

I could watch this over and over and over. I'm kind of amazed that he finished the segment like a pro. Welcome to the battlefield, I guess -JK

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Movie : Foot Fist Way

Freaking. Hilarious. Watch. -JK

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Buzz Report: Hookers and tech, together at last

I continue to maintain that Molly Wood is awesome and I still want her to hire me. Check out this week's Buzz report from Cnet (really, you'll want to --they have clips of stupid people wrecking their cars!) -JK

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Soundtrack : Your Life?

This was a bulletin I completed from MySpace sometime ago. You take all of the songs you have, load them up on one playlist and set it to random. Each song that comes up accords to each section on the list; one after the other. For the most part it's quite fitting, though, there are some pretty funny ones :-) -JK


Opening Credits:

Creed - One

Waking Up:
Robert Miles - Children

First Day At School:
Verve Pipe - Freshman

Falling In Love:
Lil John and The Eastside Boyz - Get Low

Fight Song:
Rancid - Ruby Soho

Breaking Up:
Huey Lewis and The News - This Is It

Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight

Life's OK:
Sublime - What I Got

Mental Breakdown:
Vertical Horizon - Shackled

Dope - You Spin Me Round

The Shawshank Redemption - Main Title Theme

Getting Back Together:
Blessed Union Of Souls - All Along

Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland - Turn Off the Lights Remix

Birth of Child:
The Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive

Final Battle:
Evanescence - Bring Me to Life

Death Scene:
Soundgarden - The Day I Tired to Live

Funeral Song:
Eli - Things I Prayed For

End Credits:
Green Day - When I Come Around

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Going Back : The Fine Wine Of Our Lives

You know I really enjoy going back over so many of these words I've written; particularly my creative writing. Yeah, I know, it sounds like I'm tooting my own horn but I'm not. I read these things... these poems, stories and thoughts and they bring me back; not to the past but to who I really am and get so lost from (seemingly more and more). I think this kind of thing defines the fine wine of our lives. Those memories and reminders that always last and continue to call us, making and keeping us... for the better (As "Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls finishes in the background and "Dig" by Incubus begins; thank God...) :-) -JK

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Strength In Numbers : Flee The Border Patrol


This is just flat out hilarious. A dash camera capture of (what I presume are) Border Patrol agents that have stopped a minivan in attempt to either question or arrest what they believe to be illegals. The soundtrack pretty much makes the whole video :-) -JK

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friggin Awesome : Lightening In A Box


Ok, so I'm not so tired that I don't find the below video really cool. Description: "A Lichtenberg figure being created by a tap from a nail. In just a few hundred nanoseconds, electrons trapped in plastic exit suddenly as a bright, branching lightning spark." I want one! -JK

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Yawn : Updates and the New Business


Sorry, nothing much here to see. I've been focused on logos and other material for 47 Images and 47 Enterprises and I'm pretty tired :-) Stop by 47i and let me know what you think. - JK

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Help? : The Margin Is Mocking Me


Take a look at the image to the side and notice the margin below the image that makes it not line up with the text here. I can't figure out how to make ALL of my images in Blogger NOT do this. There is a style command in the image line but I've tried working with all of the numbers in that line and I still get that funky gap whereas I'd like the margin on the side and bottom to always be equal to one another. Any ideas? -JK

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Blogging : Get That Blog "Buzz" Going


I saw this article on the front page of Information Week which I typically review in the morning when I get to work. These are good, solid tips for blogging and being a part of the blogging world at large (even if uber fame is not what you seek). It was written by Cory Doctorow (doctorow@craphound.com) who is best know for famous blog, Boing Boing (http://www.boingboing.net/). Enjoy and blog on. [ image credit; -JK

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God Bless The Creative : Superfriends Meets Friends


It is the creation of humor and the need for those to spread it that truly enlightens us all. I believe that when we can laugh at anything and everything we can not only come together unexpectedly but also dispel the very worst and darkest parts of our greatest ideas and desires to make the world what we think it should be. -JK

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What I've Learned : Hidden Wisdom?


Most of these make a great read (Robert Dinero and Homer Simpson in particular are two of my favorites). These are some great one line returns in candid interviews with a number of famous people by Esquire Magazine. Enjoy. -JK

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Power Thirst : Gratuitous Amounts of Energy!


This is hilarious. A great pun on the hundreds of energy drinks available that pretty much screw up your metabolism. Below is part one. If you wish to see the sequel, which is even funnier, it's linked just below this post :-) Thanks to the Maestro for this. -JK

[warning: contains bleeping and some profanity]

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

You Will Laugh : The Talking Stain


Just when I think I'm creative and have laughed more than I can stand... someone else comes in as a new contender :-) -JK

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Love The Buzz : Molly, will you hire me?


I love the editors at Cnet.com (Molly Wood, Tom Merrit and Brian Cooley to be specific). Below is "The Buzz" which a production that Molly Wood anchors. It's just hilarious and these days I can always use a laugh in the morning. If anyone from Cnet reads this PLEASE HIRE ME? :-D -JK

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My Company : The Beginning...


In 10 business days "47 Enterprises, LLC." will be born :-) You heard it here first... or maybe you didn't hear it, but it was printed here first. Here we go... -JK

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Iron Man : In Theatres on May 2nd


Iron Man was my first favorite superhero ever. Because I am often, terribly pragmatic I always liked the idea of a superhero like Iron Man --a normal human using something like high technology to overcome what lacks in, well, being human :-) The suspension of disbelief in this kind of concept takes on a more reality-like nature as well (no need for weird mutations or strange rocks that glow green). Anyway, the movie for Iron Man is coming out soon and it looks awesome. Below is the newest trailer. -JK

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Meet Scarlett Johansson : $18K+ (and why not?)


The first thing that came to mind when I saw this auction on eBay (for charity, of course) was part of an old Jeff Foxworthy joke, "Hell yeah I can write you a check!" :-) Don't get me wrong, a good cause is a good cause --surely-- but this girl is just flat out freaking gorgeous. And don't think I haven't considered starting a "donate to me" Paypal fund to make this happen... hmmm... - JK

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