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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hell Hath No Fury: But They Do Serve Warm Beer...

Credit to Jess for sending this story in. I'm not sure if it was a suggestion or a warning from her; either way she'll be served cold beer for the rest of her life if I have anything to do with it. - JK

P.S. Photo credit RATM (yup, nice)

St. Louis woman shoots husband dead for giving her warm beer, cops say

ST. LOUIS - A St. Louis woman shot her husband to death after he gave her a can of warm beer, police said.

The shooting happened Sunday. Names have not been released. The woman was taken into custody.

The wife allegedly admitted shooting her husband, who was about 70 years old, in the kitchen of their home. The man was shot four or five times in the chest after giving his wife a can of warm Stag beer. (credit AP report, MSNBC; full story here)

posted by JK at


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