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Monday, December 04, 2006

In GPS We Trust: Maybe John Denver Was Full of Shit?

Ambulance follows GPS 200 miles in the wrong direction

We all know the pitfalls of blindly following your GPS navigation without doing a reality check, but a British ambulance crew must have broken a world record. The ambulance blindly followed their GPS system 200 miles the wrong way while ferrying a patient from the King George Hospital in Ilford to the Mascalls Park Hospital near Brentwood.

The trip is only 12 miles and should only take about thirty minutes, but the ambulance crew turned it into an eight-hour roundtrip to Manchester.

Fortunately the patient is still alive and the ambulance company says, "The patient was in a comfortable condition at all times while in our care and he arrived safely at Mascalls Park Hospital early that afternoon." (credit, Humphrey Cheung at tomshardware.com ; full story here)

posted by JK at


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